Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Alpine Academy Reviews | How to Inspire a Valedictorian | Tooele Utah

Alpine Academy reviews this interesting story on how a struggling teen goes from failing to valedictorian and what made the biggest difference:

Katie was dealing with an internal struggle as well as one between herself and parents at home until she learned the skills needed for success and the value of believing in herself.
Katie was a struggling teen looking for validation and trying to find balance in her life. She was warmly welcomed into the treatment center that is said to be almost more like a home than an academy.
Katie’s family has tried other personalized and advanced treatment programs but here’s the difference:
Alpine Academy believes in a traditional and innovative approach to academics. We start off with making school as “normalized” as possible in the treatment center setting; school starts at 8:00am and goes until 2:40pm. Students switch from class to class on an AB block schedule. Re-creating this traditional setting makes it easier for students to continue using the skills that they learn at Alpine when they transition back to their next school. Alpine Academy also uses direct instruction, with highly-qualified and certified teachers in the classroom teaching each subject. In addition to their core subject certification, the teachers are endorsed in Special Education. Alpine Academy reviews the grades of each student on a quarterly basis with a “standards-based” report card that breaks down exactly what the student has learned and how well she learned it. Each student also carries a planner to school each day to track homework, assignments, as well as if she used her skills that day. When she goes home the student sits down with the home staff members and reviews that planner, ensuring all team members are on the same page. Through our online Parent Portal, a parent reviews his or her daughter’s academic progress, grades, assignments, etc. “Alpine gave us every dream we could have ever hoped for. Years from now I know we’re going to look back and be so glad to have experienced Alpine Academy.”

We see reviews all over the place for treatment centers but we can’t stress enough how invaluable this experience has been.

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